
At TNN, we understand that time waits for no one and that technology is always changing. With that in mind, we create an environment where new technology is a driver for growth, not an obstacle.

Microsoft Office Lens Lets You Scan Virtually Anything

How Microsoft Office Lens Lets You Scan Virtually Anything As businesses move online, more of their documents become virtual. Even with the mass migration to the digital world, however, there’s still plenty of…

Did You Really “Reply All” On That Last Email?

Office Workers Rejoice: Microsoft is Finally Subduing the Dreaded’ Reply All’ Do never-ending reply-all threads emails put a damper on your business chewing up precious time and resources? The good news is, Microsoft…

Are You Ready For Pandemic 2.0?

Will We Have Another Wave Of COVID-19? Dr. Anthony Fauci has made clear that he is almost certain the novel coronavirus will come back in the fall. Even so, a whopping 42% of CFOs don’t have…

Microsoft Outlook: FindTime With Colleagues

Everything You Need to Know About Operating and Using FindTime Scheduling meetings seems like it should be an easy task. However, anyone who does business knows with everyone’s busy schedules how difficult it…

How to Use Microsoft Teams

How to Use Microsoft Teams Technology Microsoft Teams has quickly become one of the most popular tools businesses are using as employees have migrated to working from home. How can your business best…