
At TNN, we understand that time waits for no one and that technology is always changing. With that in mind, we create an environment where new technology is a driver for growth, not an obstacle.

What Exactly Is NIST?

What Exactly Is NIST? No matter what industry you work in, chances are you’ve encountered the term NIST at one time or another. It’s most often used in relation to technology and, specifically,…

Remote Workers Are Here to Stay! Important Tips

Exactly a year ago today, no one would’ve thought that this many people would be working from home. Yet, here we are. The numbers are truly astounding. In June, the estimate was that 42%…

Exciting New Features Found In Microsoft Teams

Exciting New Features Found In Microsoft Teams It feels like an understatement to say that 2020 has ushered in a “new normal” in the workplace, and it’s undeniable that this year has fundamentally…

Plagiarism Checker Will Be Added To Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word users have been relying on third-party plugins and services to check their work for similarity issues. However, the tech giant recently announced that plans are underway to include an in-built plagiarism checker…

Can Microsoft Edge Really Beat Chrome?

Microsoft Edge Vs. Google Chrome Google Chrome is undoubtedly the most popular web browser available on the market. As of June 2020, Chrome boasts a 70 percent market share, while Microsoft Edge is…